Lóndrangar made dungeon synth inspired by Fata Morgana's debut during 1997-1998, and got resurrected as a Mortiis Era 1 influenced project in summer 2020.

Lóndrangar began with the recording of a short instrumental keyboard song in early October 1997. The music didn't fit Danny's main keyboard recordings as Thule, which led to the creation of this new project named after a vulcanic rock formation in Iceland. Throughout October, November and December 1997 some more tunes were recorded, followed by a few longer ones later in December 1997 and in January 1998, resulting in a potential 40 minutes Lóndrangar release. The plan was to release all or most of the songs on the tape Through Desolation, but it never came out and the project ended by late January 1998.

July 14, 2020, Danny got the idea to start creating some dungeon synth music again. Although the designated name for this would be Thule (Danny's most Mortiis Era 1 inspired 1990s keyboard project), he thought this name to be overused by other bands by now and decided for Lóndrangar. After having listened to some of his 1990s tracks and unused ideas in August, work on new music began in early September. Over the next months Danny made recordings and rerecordings on and off. A 32 minute Lóndrangar download full-length got released through Bandcamp on January 30, 2021, garnering some great reviews (Stranger Aeons, NMTH -- scroll down).


- Lóndrangar (Bandcamp download, January 2021)